Category Archives: noticeboard

Brighton Bits

The death of the West Pier was a long, drawn-out affair but this must have been one of the last postcards to illustrate it in full use with people strolling up and down and enjoying the sun, sea air and views of the historic Brighton & Hove seafront. Sussex Heights behind the Metropole was finished in 1966, and the rhenish helm-topped clock tower of the Clifton Road Congregational Church can just be seen on the horizon on the centre-line of the pier. This church, designed by Thomas Simpson, was demolished in 1972. The pier was finally closed to the public in 1975.

What is particularly remarkable about this picture is the apparently good condition of the pier just a few years before closure. It was at this time owned by AVP Industries who took over the West Pier Company in 1965 and was also responsible for Sussex Heights and the decapitation of the Metropole. It is ironic that for a small fraction of the millions spent on these projects and a less negative attitude from the Council the Pier might have been saved and become as important to Brighton’s unique architectural heritage as the Royal Pavilion.

via Brighton Bits.

Sussex Heights (Brighton) Limited “official” sites

We now appear to have two official sites in addition to this one – and both using tables and in-line styling.

The Company was incorporated in 1992 and all Lessees are entitled to one share per flat. Shares must be relinquished in favour of the new owner if and when a flat is sold.

The Chairman and Directors are resident at Sussex Heights and meet regularly to discuss matters relating to the maintenance and smooth running of the block. They are unpaid for the work they do, but they see it as beneficial both for themselves and their neighbours. Most directors have experience and expertise in some aspect of business, finance, architecture, law, etc.

An Annual General Meeting for shareholders is held in the autumn of each year.

via Sussex Heights (Brighton) Limited.

Citations needed

It would be interesting to know if there is any evidence for any of these allegations of “bullying tactics” and “abuse”, maybe starting with a few names.

Single Room in Sussex Heights

Single Room in Sussex Heights Ad ref# 1295789

single room £440pcm Available Now Min term 6 months

Single room with double bed in spacious two bedroom apartment in Sussex Heights. The property has a large living room, an enclosed balcony with views of the seafront and the east side of Brighton. The building has its own lift and concierge service

via Single Room in Sussex Heights.

Agent replacement

Dear Resident/ Lessee
We are responding to concerns raised, following the advised decision to terminate the services of Countrywide Property Management at Sussex Heights.
The Board of Directors’ aim is to have a well run block of flats; and achieving a good service in all facets of management from its managing agents is key to this.
have raised a number of issues with Countrywide over the last year or so; which ranged from incorrect or late statistical information and late reporting to The Board to delays with implementing instructions.

You may recall Countrywide apologizing at the 2009 for the lack of End of Year reports, and for issuing incorrect interim figures.

Countrywide received numerous warnings from the Directors, regarding their unsatisfactory service levels; and indeed two members of the Board met with a Director of that Company, to express dissatisfaction and concerns; however, things did not improve.

Recently there arose an issue of possible negligence; and, as a result of this our solicitors advised SH(B)Ltd to terminate the relationship with Countrywide forthwith.

Contrary to Countrywide€’s letter dated 12th July, they were informed of the reasons for our actions. Countrywide have not asked for a notice period, and have walked off site.

Due to the concerns we have had with Countrywide, we spoke with several local Companies of Managing Agents during the past few months; and are therefore now in a position to appoint new Managing Agents within the next two or three weeks at the latest. Ail companies interviewed have very good reputations and experience of managing similar large blocks of flats. The new Company, when appointed, will be in a position to take over straight away; in the meantime our house staff and our Company Secretary will take care of day to day issues, as well as managing their current duties.

Please bear in mind that all Directors live in the building, and share your concerns, and wishes that Sussex Heights continues to be one of the premier blocks of flats in Brighton, run smoothly, efficiently and cost effectively. Any action taken by the Board affects its Members as well as all lessees will write to you again shortly advising you of the newly appointed Managing Agents, together with any other relevant updates.

The Board of Sussex Heights (Brighton) Ltd. 12 July 2010
Directors: Paul Michaelson, Anthony Appleton, Susan Davey, Andrew Turlington, Karin Stockerl, Clive Shuttlewofth, Margaret Brisley Registered in England No. 2676784

Managing Agents Dismissed

It is with very deep regret that we have to advise you that the Board of Directors of Sussex Heights (Brighton) Ltd have written to us to terminate our employment as your Managing Agent with immediate effect. We are unsure of the reason that this decision was taken as that is not explained in their letter.

We have not been advised who your new Managing Agent will be so we have to advise you that any future queries or questions should be directed to the Chairman, Paul Michaelson who is resident in flat 1E where he can be contacted.

Despite not receiving three months notice of the termination of the contract, we will do all we can to hand over to the Board as much information as possible for the ongoing management of the property, however, the procedure of winding up and handing over such a complex property can take time, hence the three months notioe in the original agreement to allow for a structured handover, should it be required.

We apologise for any inconvenience this decision may cause you and we regret we will not be involved in the ongoing management of Sussex Heights after 9 years involvement.

Yours sincerely
Peter Eaton

Another Pointless Letter

Accessible version in this text version.

You’d never guess we have a noticeboard here, which is more likely to reach the people who actually live here. I think shareholders who want this type of correspondence to be printed out and delivered by the post office should pay for this service.

Libel Action Averted

Regarding an incident that happened at Sussex Heights a few months ago, and was reported in the last newsletter, when it was unfortunately necessary to ask the Police to become involved; it was understood at the time that a resident received a formal caution from the Police against aggressive behaviour towards some other residents.

There has subsequently been verbal confirmation from the local Police, PC Adam Rogers, that the resident was spoken to “with strong words” by the Police Officer about the aggressive stance taken against the other resident, but that a formal Police Caution was not in fact given.

We would like there to be no misunderstanding about this matter, and hope the above statement clarifies the situation.

Spring Newsletter Sussex Heights


Company Secretary and Registered Office: Arun Office Services Ltd, RBS House, 59-61 Sea Lane, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 2RQ, fir 01903859685, Fax: 01903859166 Email:


Spring Newsletter Sussex Heights

APRIL 2010

I’m writing this  during the Easter weekend; do you, like me, wonder where the months have gone, six of them since my last newsletter?

I can’t deny that those six months, haven’t been difficult ones for The Board; and at the height of the unpleasantness, after a resident (not a Board member) was physically assaulted; then weeks of harassment suffered personally, the local police were asked to help. A resident was cautioned on both counts.*

The Board is grateful to those numerous residents, who have taken the trouble to contact the Directors; to thank them, and to support them, in the work being currently carried out and that they will . Due to the early nesting of the Peregrine Falcons together with the need to recruit a Project Manager for the essential building works; and to ensure that leaseholders have the period needed to comment on the tender list etc; work will not commence on the roof repairs, as was hoped, this year. However, much work is going on by way of recruiting a Project Manager; sourcing suitable contractors and preparation of tenders etc. We are all very grateful to Clive Shuttleworh, the Director who is handling these issues, together with Kevin Baker of Countrywide.

It is hoped that, as soon as the Peregrines have left the nest, contractors will at least be able to get on to the roof to quote for the work, which will start as soon as the weather allows next year.

We apologise to those residents, who have made clear their disappointment that the renovation program will not commence until 2011.

The Board continues to meet once a month; however, individual Directors meet far more regularly to discuss and deal with the many issues that occur on a day to day basis.

There have been a number of complaints by residents of noisy and nuisance neighbours. The Board, Countrywide are being asked once again, to remind ALL residents of the terms of their lease, under which we are all governed at Sussex Heights.

Countrywide have (belatedly) produced, and circulated the Annual Maintenance Accounts for the year ending 24th March 2009; The Board is questioning some of the figures, and will be meeting with the Accountants for greater clarification.

As stated at the AGM, we are reducing some of the lighting in the common areas of the building, in our endeavors to drive down costs, and to be as “green” as we can without compromising safety; we will continue to look at all similar areas of energy savings. If you have suggestions please let us know.

Sussex Heights would not function as smoothly as it does without our team, David, Stella, Alan, and Michael; and on behalf of all residents, we thank them for their constant input, and hard work.

Your will be kept informed of progress regarding the building renovations; which is – incidentally – the biggest renovation program since the building was erected over 40 years ago! So I will, once again, appeal to you and ask if you think you have any qualified experience and/or skills in major building works and that they may be of use throughout the building works, please do make yourself known to us, by contacting The Company Secretary.

! STOP PRESS ! The official website for Sussex Heights (B’ton) Ltd is now up and running, visit it at

Have an enjoyable late spring and summer.

Paul Michaelson – Chairman and the Directors of the Board

* I should add allegedly at this point, or at least I don’t know if this allegation can be verified, but it’s clear who is referred to.