Dear Resident/ Lessee
We are responding to concerns raised, following the advised decision to terminate the services of Countrywide Property Management at Sussex Heights.
The Board of Directors’ aim is to have a well run block of flats; and achieving a good service in all facets of management from its managing agents is key to this.
have raised a number of issues with Countrywide over the last year or so; which ranged from incorrect or late statistical information and late reporting to The Board to delays with implementing instructions.
You may recall Countrywide apologizing at the 2009 for the lack of End of Year reports, and for issuing incorrect interim figures.
Countrywide received numerous warnings from the Directors, regarding their unsatisfactory service levels; and indeed two members of the Board met with a Director of that Company, to express dissatisfaction and concerns; however, things did not improve.
Recently there arose an issue of possible negligence; and, as a result of this our solicitors advised SH(B)Ltd to terminate the relationship with Countrywide forthwith.
Contrary to Countrywide€’s letter dated 12th July, they were informed of the reasons for our actions. Countrywide have not asked for a notice period, and have walked off site.
Due to the concerns we have had with Countrywide, we spoke with several local Companies of Managing Agents during the past few months; and are therefore now in a position to appoint new Managing Agents within the next two or three weeks at the latest. Ail companies interviewed have very good reputations and experience of managing similar large blocks of flats. The new Company, when appointed, will be in a position to take over straight away; in the meantime our house staff and our Company Secretary will take care of day to day issues, as well as managing their current duties.
Please bear in mind that all Directors live in the building, and share your concerns, and wishes that Sussex Heights continues to be one of the premier blocks of flats in Brighton, run smoothly, efficiently and cost effectively. Any action taken by the Board affects its Members as well as all lessees will write to you again shortly advising you of the newly appointed Managing Agents, together with any other relevant updates.
The Board of Sussex Heights (Brighton) Ltd. 12 July 2010
Directors: Paul Michaelson, Anthony Appleton, Susan Davey, Andrew Turlington, Karin Stockerl, Clive Shuttlewofth, Margaret Brisley Registered in England No. 2676784