St. Margarets Place, Brighton, East Sussex, 2 bedroom flat

Seventh Floor Apartment

  • Two Bedrooms
  • Reception Room
  • Kitchen/Diner
  • Views Towards Sea

Hall Wood effect flooring, three storage cupboards, coved ceiling, radiators, entryphone, opening to –

Reception Room 26’11” x 15’2″. (8.2m x 4.62m.). Double glazed windows to side and front giving stunning views of the Old Pier and towards Worthing, real flame effect gas fire with slate insert and hearth with limestone surround and mantel, wood effect flooring, coved ceiling, radiators.

Kitchen/Diner 16’10” x 7’2″. (5.13m x 2.18m.). Re-fitted with a modern contemporary White wall and base units with complimentary roll top work surface, inset ceramic sink with chrome mixer tap, tiled splashback, built-in fridge/freezer, built-in washing machine, built-in dishwasher, built-in microwave, radiator, Upvc double glazed window, cupboard concealing combi boiler.

Cloakroom Low level W.C. With concealed cistern, tiled floor.

Bathroom Re-fitted with contemporary White suite comprising panel bath with Chrome mixer tap and Chrome thermostatic shower over, pedestal wash hand basin, tiled floor, tiled walls, Chrome towel rail, radiator.

Bedroom Two 11’2″ (3.4m) x 8’4″ (2.54m) to wardrobe.. Upvc double glazed window to side, giving views of the sea and Downs to Worthing, built-in double wardrobe, radiator.

Bedroom One 18’5″ x 11’3″. (5.61m x 3.43m.). Upvc double glazed window to side, views of the sea and beyond, two built-in double wardrobes, radiator, coved ceiling, telephone point.

via St. Margarets Place, Brighton, East Sussex, 2 bedroom flat – 3681828 – Zoopla!.

Local information for BN1 2FR :: Brighton and Hove City Council :: Openly Local

Neighbourhood Police Team

  1. PCSO Nicola Harrison
  2. PCSO Sharon Birt
  3. NPC James Marter
  4. PCSO Richard Wright
  5. PCSO Gillian Everest
  6. PCSO Janine Redman
  7. NPC Georgina Edge
  8. PCSO David Hedgecock
  9. PCSO Bobbi King
  10. PCSO Sharon Baker
  11. PCSO Anthony Dellow
  12. PCSO Siobhan Salihi
  13. PCSO Alena Martauzova
  14. NPC Philip Dodd
  15. PCSO Dawn Kitson
  16. PCSO Martina Shrimpton
  17. PCSO Kelly Joel
  18. PCSO Karin Orford
  19. PCSO John Sharman
  20. PCSO Ed James
  21. PCSO Karen Hopewell
  22. NPC Anne Watson
  23. PCSO Teresa Bevan
  24. PCSO Hannah Sturman
  25. NPC Justin Ingham
  26. PCSO Neil Maloney
  27. PCSO Fiorella Woods
  28. PCSO Sian Davies
  29. PCSO John Perry
  30. PCSO Rob Simmonette

via Local information for BN1 2FR :: Brighton and Hove City Council :: Openly Local.

Recommended tradesmen

If you have the old crittall windows you could try John Shirley on 07787 913700.
Dave Roddis drain man 01273697122 07754032576

This is the phone number for the window cleaner called Gareth 07545994722

Please add others in the comments and I’ll make a static page later.

Cycle parking continued

  1. All cycle parking approved will be installed by the end of this month thus meeting the council’s budgetary requirements for the current financial year. Where consulted residents are in favour of cycle parking.
  2. Regency Square stands differ from the norm in that they will be supported by flat pads bolted to the roof of the car park rather than penetrating deep into the structure.
  3. St. Margarets Place cycle parking will unlikely to go ahead in the proposed form. Reading a summary of the independent safety audit revealed concern about restricting the manoeuvrability of articulated trucks within the street and the impact this might have on safety. This plus a perceived lack of need are the main points for rejection.

Points raised against the audit are as follows:

  1. The proposed build-out would not compromise the use of rigid axled (up to max. axle weight) trucks using the street and the exhibition halls of the Metropole Hotel.
  2. The current practice of allowing articulated trucks to load and unload using fork lift trucks in the street represents a greater safety threat for residents and visitors than the proposed scheme (see picture).
  3. If nothing is done problems of the past will re-surface. On many occasions cycles have been locked to railings on the pavement side obstructing access by residents and visitors (particularly wheelchairs).
  4. From time to time the council have had to clear SMP of unwanted cycles parked in this fashion. Cycle parking is not just for now but for the future.
  5. Tracy will look at other locations beyond SMP for a solution.
  6. An alternative which would keep parking within SMP is a linear parking area. Pavements, on one or both sides of SMP could be widened on the road side of existing pavement steel barriers. An extension in width of say 300 mm would be sufficient as a platform for bikes chained to the road side of the barriers. The overall space for bikes would be greater than the build-out proposed and cheaper.
  7. The effect on the width of SMP would be minimal and encourage bike users to use the road side of the barriers avoiding clogging of the narrow pavements as at present.

Possibly the best dentist?

..with possibly the worst website?

Rough transcription from montpelier brochure:
Welcome to …
Montpelier Dental Practice
38 Montpelier Road, Brighton
(01273) 733901
At Montpelier Dental Practice we use the latest techniques of prevention dentistry, offering expert care for all the family in a friendly and professional environment.Evidence has shown that regular visits to the dentist and hygienist are essential to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. This forms the basis of our preventive dental care to avoid problems later and keep your teeth looking their best.

Our Dentists:
Mr Ian McGregor ·Mr Ben Wood
Private Price List:
New patient Current patient
From £45 From £28
30 minute appointment £47
£50 £55
Crown and Bridge
Gold crown from Tooth coloured crown from
Porcelain veneer from
Bridge unit
Adhesive bridge
£320 £320 £285 £3.20 ~360
Endodontics (root canaltreatment)
Anterior tooth
Posterior tooth
– premolar

NHS Price List:
If you are not exempt from charges you should pay one of the following charges for each course of treatment:
Band 1 course of treatment £ 16.50 This covers an examination, diagnoses (e.g. X-ray) and advice on how to prevent
future problems.

If you require urgent care you to pay the Band 1 charge.
Band 2 course of treatment
This covers everything plus any further fillings, root canal work dentist needs to take teeth.
NHS that your dentist feels is clinically necessary in order to keep your teeth, gums and mouth hea

  • We aim to provide dental care that meets your needs and wishes.
  • As a patient with us, our practice commitment to you:-
  • We aim to make your treatment as comfortable as possible.
  • We follow the latest guidelines of infection control.
  • We take part in continuing professional development to keep our skills and knowledge up to date.
  • We welcome feedback and deal promptly to complaints.
  • In return we ask for the following commitment from you:-
  • To attend your appointments on time,
  • If you require an emergency appointment please call the practice at 08:45am.
  • If you are an NHS patient we will require you to pay the estimated total cost of treatment at your first appointment and clear the remaining balance on completion.

    Thank you for your co-operation
    Our opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
    08:45 – 17:00 08:45 – 17:00 08:45 – 17:00 08:45 – 17:00 08:45 – 16:00
    .1 Emergency Treatment: II
    , II
    Patients who are members of the I
    I practice are entitled to necessary care ‘I and treatment in an emergency during
    normal surgery hours.
    Emergency telephone numbers
    (out of hours): II
    Private patients of the practice please III call 01273 733901 I (please listen to the recorded message I and follow the instructions) II
    II NHS patients please call 01273 486444 J
    If you have any questions regarding our practice or treatment you are receiving, please call the practice or speak to the dentist who will be happy to help.
    Information enclosed in this leaflet is correct until April 2010.
    price list

    Tory conference comes to Brighton (From The Argus)

    The planning of policing for the event has been led by Chief Inspector Lawrence Hobbs, who insisted the force was working to ensure policing levels in the city and the rest of Sussex would not suffer.

    Chief Insp Hobbs said: “We are well versed in policing such conferences and events and will work to ensure that security levels are proportionate and cause the minimum amount of disruption.

    The level of physical security will be much more discreet, and cordons, barriers and road closures will not be necessary. The threat level to this event is constantly monitored and is deemed low.”

    via Tory conference comes to Brighton (From The Argus).