Author Archives: Tom

Cycle parking continued

  1. All cycle parking approved will be installed by the end of this month thus meeting the council’s budgetary requirements for the current financial year. Where consulted residents are in favour of cycle parking.
  2. Regency Square stands differ from the norm in that they will be supported by flat pads bolted to the roof of the car park rather than penetrating deep into the structure.
  3. St. Margarets Place cycle parking will unlikely to go ahead in the proposed form. Reading a summary of the independent safety audit revealed concern about restricting the manoeuvrability of articulated trucks within the street and the impact this might have on safety. This plus a perceived lack of need are the main points for rejection.

Points raised against the audit are as follows:

  1. The proposed build-out would not compromise the use of rigid axled (up to max. axle weight) trucks using the street and the exhibition halls of the Metropole Hotel.
  2. The current practice of allowing articulated trucks to load and unload using fork lift trucks in the street represents a greater safety threat for residents and visitors than the proposed scheme (see picture).
  3. If nothing is done problems of the past will re-surface. On many occasions cycles have been locked to railings on the pavement side obstructing access by residents and visitors (particularly wheelchairs).
  4. From time to time the council have had to clear SMP of unwanted cycles parked in this fashion. Cycle parking is not just for now but for the future.
  5. Tracy will look at other locations beyond SMP for a solution.
  6. An alternative which would keep parking within SMP is a linear parking area. Pavements, on one or both sides of SMP could be widened on the road side of existing pavement steel barriers. An extension in width of say 300 mm would be sufficient as a platform for bikes chained to the road side of the barriers. The overall space for bikes would be greater than the build-out proposed and cheaper.
  7. The effect on the width of SMP would be minimal and encourage bike users to use the road side of the barriers avoiding clogging of the narrow pavements as at present.

Possibly the best dentist?

..with possibly the worst website?

Rough transcription from montpelier brochure:
Welcome to …
Montpelier Dental Practice
38 Montpelier Road, Brighton
(01273) 733901
At Montpelier Dental Practice we use the latest techniques of prevention dentistry, offering expert care for all the family in a friendly and professional environment.Evidence has shown that regular visits to the dentist and hygienist are essential to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. This forms the basis of our preventive dental care to avoid problems later and keep your teeth looking their best.

Our Dentists:
Mr Ian McGregor ·Mr Ben Wood
Private Price List:
New patient Current patient
From £45 From £28
30 minute appointment £47
£50 £55
Crown and Bridge
Gold crown from Tooth coloured crown from
Porcelain veneer from
Bridge unit
Adhesive bridge
£320 £320 £285 £3.20 ~360
Endodontics (root canaltreatment)
Anterior tooth
Posterior tooth
– premolar

NHS Price List:
If you are not exempt from charges you should pay one of the following charges for each course of treatment:
Band 1 course of treatment £ 16.50 This covers an examination, diagnoses (e.g. X-ray) and advice on how to prevent
future problems.

If you require urgent care you to pay the Band 1 charge.
Band 2 course of treatment
This covers everything plus any further fillings, root canal work dentist needs to take teeth.
NHS that your dentist feels is clinically necessary in order to keep your teeth, gums and mouth hea

  • We aim to provide dental care that meets your needs and wishes.
  • As a patient with us, our practice commitment to you:-
  • We aim to make your treatment as comfortable as possible.
  • We follow the latest guidelines of infection control.
  • We take part in continuing professional development to keep our skills and knowledge up to date.
  • We welcome feedback and deal promptly to complaints.
  • In return we ask for the following commitment from you:-
  • To attend your appointments on time,
  • If you require an emergency appointment please call the practice at 08:45am.
  • If you are an NHS patient we will require you to pay the estimated total cost of treatment at your first appointment and clear the remaining balance on completion.

    Thank you for your co-operation
    Our opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
    08:45 – 17:00 08:45 – 17:00 08:45 – 17:00 08:45 – 17:00 08:45 – 16:00
    .1 Emergency Treatment: II
    , II
    Patients who are members of the I
    I practice are entitled to necessary care ‘I and treatment in an emergency during
    normal surgery hours.
    Emergency telephone numbers
    (out of hours): II
    Private patients of the practice please III call 01273 733901 I (please listen to the recorded message I and follow the instructions) II
    II NHS patients please call 01273 486444 J
    If you have any questions regarding our practice or treatment you are receiving, please call the practice or speak to the dentist who will be happy to help.
    Information enclosed in this leaflet is correct until April 2010.
    price list

    Tory conference comes to Brighton (From The Argus)

    The planning of policing for the event has been led by Chief Inspector Lawrence Hobbs, who insisted the force was working to ensure policing levels in the city and the rest of Sussex would not suffer.

    Chief Insp Hobbs said: “We are well versed in policing such conferences and events and will work to ensure that security levels are proportionate and cause the minimum amount of disruption.

    The level of physical security will be much more discreet, and cordons, barriers and road closures will not be necessary. The threat level to this event is constantly monitored and is deemed low.”

    via Tory conference comes to Brighton (From The Argus).

    Street Pastors

    Launch 15th February 2010
    PRESS RELEASE 27/01/2010

    Street Pastors is a project of the Ascension Trust which was formed in 2003 as theChurches response to the increase in gun and knife crime in London.Since 2003 Street Pastor projects have been established in over 100 towns and citiesthroughout the UK and internationally. The reduction in crime rates wherever projectshave been established has been phenomenal and this is attested to by the partnershipbetween Police, Local Authorities and Churches in the running and management of thelocal Street Pastor projects. The Home Office supports the project at national level andlocal projects have gained widespread acclaim in the press.
    Street Pastors is the Church in Action on the Streets, it is a response by local Churches toproblems in our communities. Street Pastors seek to dialogue and engage with nighttime economy users, getting help and support for individuals where necessary. StreetPastors does not seek to convert or evangelise, rather the project seeks to be a silentwitness to the love of Christ through social action. Street Pastors are vetted, trained andcommissioned men and women who form a uniformed presence on the streets.
    David Burrows MP has said:

    Street Pastors is about Christians rolling up their sleeves and getting involved inpractically responding to the problems of crime and safety. They are like beacons on ourstreets and I want to see them shining in every constituencyIn association with Sussex Police, Brighton and Hove City Council and Churches Together in Sussex, this exciting project will be launched at the Brighton Centre East Wing, on Monday 15th February at 4pm, in the presence of the Worshipful Mayor of the City.

    There is an open invitation to this launch extended to all who would like to find outmore, or who are interested in crime reduction and public safety in the City.Presentations will be given by Sussex Police, Brighton and Hove City Council, theChurch and representatives from Ascension Trust, following which questions will betaken. Refreshments will be available. Training of prospective Street Pastors will begin in March 2010 following the national approved training course and incorporating localised training provided by communitypartners.

    For further information please see: Email: or call 01273 729888. END

    Press Release FINAL

    Open Letter to the Hilton Metropole

    Dear Ms Busfield,

    In recent times we have noticed (presumed) hotel employees taking notes in St. Margarets Place. This note taking seems to be as a result of looking at the exhibition halls. Are there plans afoot that as residents we should be aware of?

    If it is related to painting of the building I have a serious suggestion to make. Employ a Banksy type person to enliven what exists with a graffiti based mural across the doors and facade of the building. Rather than the dull, uncared for look of the building that exists the mural, with the use of vibrant colour, could characterise hotel personnel and others in a powerful message of how organisers, vehicle drivers and crew should behave in using St. Margarets Place. The message of the code of conduct would be displayed for all to see, not only to observe but to visually enjoy. Properly done its serious message would have impact, could be a source of publicity for you and might end up in publications and awards!

    I wait to hear from you.
    John Cllinton

    Operation Otter Meeting

    Sussex Police
    Serving Sussex
    15th February 2010
    Dear Resident,
    As I am sure you are aware the Conservative Party is holding its annual Spring Conference at the Hilton Metropole Hotel in Brighton on the 27h and 28th February 2010.
    In light of this, we would like to invite you to the Metropole Hotel for a residents meeting at 7.30pm till 9.00pm on Monday 22nd February.
    At the meeting there will be the opportunity for local residents to meet representatives from the police planning team, Metropole Hotel management and Brighton & Hove City Council. There will be a short presentation outlining the security arrangements associated with the event. The security measures differ from previous conferences and we do not expect them to severely impact upon local residents. The meeting will then move to a question and answer session where you will have opportunity speak to the organisations represented.
    We look forward to seeing you.
    Yours Faithfully

    Inspector Gary Pike
    Deputy Planning Co-ordinator Operation Otter
    Conservative Party Spring Forum
    Brighton Police Station· John Street· Brighton· BN2 OlA Telephone: 01273 665860 Fax: 01273665680
    Operation OTTER
    Conservative Party
    Spring Forum 2010 police_meeting document in pdf format

    2 bedroom apartment to rent

    Fox & Sons are delighted to offer this rarely available apartment on a six month let. Located on the 22nd floor of Sussex Heights, a landmark building off Brighton sea front, the apartment boasts simply stunning 180 degree views over Brighton and the sea front. There are two double bedrooms, a very spacious sitting room with floor to ceiling windows exposing the terrific view, a good size kitchen and family bathroom. The apartment is available fully furnished from late April.

    via 2 bedroom apartment to rent in St Margarets Place, Brighton, BN1.


    Our Ref: KTBlkb

    12 February 2010

    To: All Long Leaseholders Sussex Heights, St Margarets Place, Brighton.


    It is the intention of Sussex Heights (Btn) Limited to enter into an Agreement to carry out works in respect of which they are required to consult Leaseholders. (See Note 1)

    The works to be carried out under the Agreement are as follows:

    Major repair works to the roof and surrounding areas

    We consider that the works are necessary because these works have been identified as necessary by the report carried out by Stuart Radley Associates

    We invite you to make written observations in relation to the proposed works by sending them to Countrywide Managing Agents, 20/22 Gloucester Place, Brighton BNl 4AA. Observations must be made within the consultation period of 30 days from the date of this Notice.

    The consultation will expire on Friday 19th March

    We also invite you to propose, within 30 days from the date of this Notice, the name of a person from whom we should try and obtain an estimate for the carrying out of the proposed works described in paragraph two above. The person nominated to carry out these works must be competent to complete the contract within a reasonable timescale and to a satisfactory standard and to have adequate insurance cover in place for the protection of the Client and third parties. (Optional) (See Note 4).

    Yours faithfully

    Countrywide Managing Agents

    Duly Authorised Agent of: Sussex Heights (Btn) Limited

    Address: Countrywide Managing Agents, 20/22 Gloucester Place, Brighton BNl 4AA.

    Date: 12 February 2010


    Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (as amended) (the 1985 Act) provides that a landlord (as defined by Section 30 of the 1985 Act) must consult leaseholders who are required under the terms of their leases to contribute (by payment of service charges) to costs incurred under qualifying works, where the contribution of anyone leaseholder will exceed £250. ‘Qualifying works’ are defined by Section 20ZA of the 1985 Act.

    2. Where a notice specifies a place and hours for inspection:

    (a) the place and hours so specified must be reasonable; and

    (b) a description of the proposed works must be available for inspection, free of charge, at that place and during those hours. If facilities to enable copies to be taken are not made available at the times at which the description may be inspected, the landlord shall provide to any leaseholder, on request and free of charge, a copy of the description.

    The landlord has a duty to have regard to written observations made within the consultation period by any leaseholder or recognised tenants’ association. ‘Recognised tenants’ association’ is defined by Section 29 of the 1985 Act.

    (1) Where a single nomination is made by a recognised tenants’ association (whether or not a nomination is made by any leaseholder, the landlord shall try to obtain an estimate from the nominated person.

    (2) Where a single nomination is made by only one leaseholder (whether or not a nomination is made by a recognised tenants’ association), the landlord shall try to obtain an estimate from the nominated person.

    (3) Where a single nomination is made by more than one leaseholder (whether or not a nomination is made by a recognised tenants’ association), the landlord shall try to obtain an estimate:

    (a) from the person who received the most nominations; or

    (b) if there is no such person, but two (or more) persons received the same number of nominations, being a number in excess of the nominations received by any other person, from one of those two (or more) persons; or

    (c) in any other case, from any nominated person.

    (4) Where more than one nomination is made by any leaseholder and more than one nomination is made by a recognised tenants’ association, the landlord shall try to obtain an estimate.

    (a) from at least one person nominated by a leaseholder; and

    (b) from at least one person nominated by the association, other than a person from whom an estimate is sought as mentioned in paragraph (a).