..with possibly the worst website?
Rough transcription from montpelier brochure:
Welcome to …
Montpelier Dental Practice
38 Montpelier Road, Brighton
(01273) 733901
At Montpelier Dental Practice we use the latest techniques of prevention dentistry, offering expert care for all the family in a friendly and professional environment.Evidence has shown that regular visits to the dentist and hygienist are essential to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. This forms the basis of our preventive dental care to avoid problems later and keep your teeth looking their best.
Our Dentists:
Mr Ian McGregor ·Mr Ben Wood
Private Price List:
New patient Current patient
From £45 From £28
30 minute appointment £47
£50 £55
Crown and Bridge
Gold crown from Tooth coloured crown from
Porcelain veneer from
Bridge unit
Adhesive bridge
£320 £320 £285 £3.20 ~360
Endodontics (root canaltreatment)
Anterior tooth
Posterior tooth
– premolar
NHS Price List:
If you are not exempt from charges you should pay one of the following charges for each course of treatment:
Band 1 course of treatment £ 16.50 This covers an examination, diagnoses (e.g. X-ray) and advice on how to prevent
future problems.
If you require urgent care you to pay the Band 1 charge.
Band 2 course of treatment
This covers everything plus any further fillings, root canal work dentist needs to take teeth.
NHS that your dentist feels is clinically necessary in order to keep your teeth, gums and mouth hea
If you are an NHS patient we will require you to pay the estimated total cost of treatment at your first appointment and clear the remaining balance on completion.
Thank you for your co-operation
Our opening hours:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:45 – 17:00 08:45 – 17:00 08:45 – 17:00 08:45 – 17:00 08:45 – 16:00
.1 Emergency Treatment: II
, II
Patients who are members of the I
I practice are entitled to necessary care ‘I and treatment in an emergency during
normal surgery hours.
Emergency telephone numbers
(out of hours): II
Private patients of the practice please III call 01273 733901 I (please listen to the recorded message I and follow the instructions) II
II NHS patients please call 01273 486444 J
If you have any questions regarding our practice or treatment you are receiving, please call the practice or speak to the dentist who will be happy to help.
Information enclosed in this leaflet is correct until April 2010.