Viva Vauxhall Peregrine Falcons

Peregrine falcons nesting on top of Keybridge House

by VivaVauxhall – July 4th, 2010

Since 2001 the Peregrine Falcon has bred in increasing numbers in London. They nest on the ledges of tall buildings that are the equivalent in cities of their more traditional cliff breeding sites. Their success is due to the abundance of their preferred food (the feral/street pigeon) and the actions of people working on their behalf.

Two adult peregrine falcons and four youngsters are currently in residence on the roof of Keybridge House in South Lambeth Road and BT, who owns the building, have been very helpful and built them a nesting ledge.

Adrian Morgan of the London Peregrine Partnership told us: ‘This is the time when the youngsters are most vulnerable as they are taking currently their first flights.  If they come down to ground level they are unable to get sufficient lift to fly back up again and have to be rescued.  The first few days after the youngsters fledge are critical, but we are now getting to the end of that period and they are becoming quite successful flyers.’

via Viva Vauxhall.

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