Launch 15th February 2010
PRESS RELEASE 27/01/2010
Street Pastors is a project of the Ascension Trust which was formed in 2003 as theChurches response to the increase in gun and knife crime in London.Since 2003 Street Pastor projects have been established in over 100 towns and citiesthroughout the UK and internationally. The reduction in crime rates wherever projectshave been established has been phenomenal and this is attested to by the partnershipbetween Police, Local Authorities and Churches in the running and management of thelocal Street Pastor projects. The Home Office supports the project at national level andlocal projects have gained widespread acclaim in the press.
Street Pastors is the Church in Action on the Streets, it is a response by local Churches toproblems in our communities. Street Pastors seek to dialogue and engage with nighttime economy users, getting help and support for individuals where necessary. StreetPastors does not seek to convert or evangelise, rather the project seeks to be a silentwitness to the love of Christ through social action. Street Pastors are vetted, trained andcommissioned men and women who form a uniformed presence on the streets.
David Burrows MP has said:
Street Pastors is about Christians rolling up their sleeves and getting involved inpractically responding to the problems of crime and safety. They are like beacons on ourstreets and I want to see them shining in every constituencyIn association with Sussex Police, Brighton and Hove City Council and Churches Together in Sussex, this exciting project will be launched at the Brighton Centre East Wing, on Monday 15th February at 4pm, in the presence of the Worshipful Mayor of the City.
There is an open invitation to this launch extended to all who would like to find outmore, or who are interested in crime reduction and public safety in the City.Presentations will be given by Sussex Police, Brighton and Hove City Council, theChurch and representatives from Ascension Trust, following which questions will betaken. Refreshments will be available. Training of prospective Street Pastors will begin in March 2010 following the national approved training course and incorporating localised training provided by communitypartners.
For further information please see: Email: or call 01273 729888. END
Press Release FINAL
Well meaning but tinkering with the the problem instead of addressing the issue.
Thanks Ashley. What would you suggest? According to their own information their presence has coincided with significant crime and disorder reductions. I don’t have any data or strong feelings either way but on balance it looks like a positive step.