Property details for 24d Sussex Heights St. Margarets Place Brighton BN1 2FR

This leasehold flat, located at 24D Sussex Heights, has an estimate value of £544,396. This is higher than the average current value for homes on Sussex Heights which is £242,390, which in turn is lower than the Zed-Index for BN1 which is £282,946. Sussex Heights in BN1 has 117 homes along it. The most recent sale for a house or flat in Sussex Heights was at number 14D which was bought on 18th Dec 2009 for a consideration of £640,000. There have been 13 property sales on Sussex Heights in the last 3 years, with the average sold house price being £320,607. via Property details for 24d Sussex Heights St. Margarets Place Brighton BN1 2FR – Zoopla.

Unfortunately these figures seem skewed by the fact they’re not clear that both 24 and 14 are doubles.

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