Dear Tracy Davison,
Some while ago you asked me for my views concerning proposed cycle parking in St. Margarets Place. I forgot to mention it at the time but I can foresee a problem arising. The southern side of SMP can become a vehicle park when an exhibition is in progress. With no railings on that side of the road vehicles mount the pavement and park obstructing pedestrian use. At present the northern side is protected by railings effectively discouraging parking on that side of the road.
Personally I would like to avoid a plan that without intention encourages vehicles to park on the pavement by virtue of the build-out proposed for cycles. The southern side pavement has been compressed by vehicles with many of the paving slabs broken. Through Mary Mears I am trying to encourage the council to repair the pavement and erect fencing on the southern side to eliminate the problem of parking and damage. Therefore can I propose that the proposed build-
out is accompanied with the erection of railings on the southern side? As I am sure you are aware parking and loading is prohibited in the street 24 hours per day. This proposal will in effect become the means for that enforcement.
John Clinton
Dear John Clinton,
Thank you for your e-mail. The concerns you have with regards to parking
will be taken into consideration prior to implementation. I am aware of
the parking issues in St Margaret’s Place and I agree that additional
measures may be required in this area.
Your suggestion will be considered as part of the final plans,
Kind Regards,
Tracy Davison
Transport Planner – Walking & Cycling
Brighton & Hove City Council
Tel: 01273 293813
A quick update on the status of the St Margaret’s Pedal Cycle Parking Place. Due to the comments made during the consultation for this scheme and safety considerations the Pedal Cycle Parking Place, which was proposed, has been placed on hold.
Dear Ms Davison,
In response to your email of 12th February you did reply but with insufficient information to form an opinion. I’m afraid your latest email also does not adequately explain why the project is on hold. Therefore would you please answer the following questions concerning St. Margarets Place?
1. In total how many people or bodies have objected to this proposal?
2. In total how many people have supported the proposal?
3. Why did the council think cycle parking in St. Margarets Place desirable but at the first hurdle turn it down?
4. You say this proposal is on hold (not cancellation). Why therefore does it not appear in the council’s list of projects proposed?
5. I would like to see the safety audit. Please let me know how this can be obtained?
I would also like you to answer questions concerning cycle parking in Regency Square?
1. Abbie Hoan looked at locations in Regency Square for cycle parking. Six months later the council promised the installation at the end of the financial year. Nothing happened, why?
2. You, enthusiastically supported installation when it was followed up by the Regency Square Area Society. After a delay they were told special stands were required for installation on the car park roof. What is special
about this installation?
3. When will you install these stands?
4. This project does not appear on the council’s list. Why is that?
I look forward to hearing from you shortly,
John Clinton
CTC R to R member
Resident of St. Margarets Place
Member of Regency Square Area Society
I am sorry you feel my response didn’t offer you the information you required although I did offer to talk through the project.
Regarding the Regency Square Cycle Stands.
As you may know we did experience problems with the installation of the cycle stands in the identified locations, as a result we have had to order bespoke stands for Regency Square. This was due to the underground car park and the depth of available concrete required to implement stands.
These stands have been ordered and I have instructed contractors to install stands ASAP. I have been informed that works have been delayed due to the bad weather we have experienced, but I still expect that stands will be installed before the end of the financial year.
Kind Regards,
Tracy Davison
Transport Planner – Walking & Cycling
Brighton & Hove City Council
Interesting response. Was anyone offered a discussion? I wasn’t. In answer (to your point number) 1 she/they have put me on the objectors side. Considering I’m pro cycling thats quite a feat. Two were for the scheme. I wonder does that include me? Answer 4 sounds as if it could be outside of St. Margarets Place otherwise I guess it would still be on the list. I will look at the audit and let you know. Regency Square sounds positive. What do you think Roger?
John Clinton
Dear Tracy Davison,
Last things first. Regency Square, sounds good. Roger Hinton concurs. Now to St. Margarets Place.
Firstly I am pro cycling so I feel a bit aggrieved that you have put me in the objectors camp. Pavement parking is a problem in St. Margarets Place now and would be no different with cycle parking. At the time I put forward fencing along the southern side of the street as a solution. With or without cycle parking this remains a solution not a reason to abandon cycle parking.
Given your answer to question 3 It is still hard to understand why it was proposed to install cycle parking in the first place? Someone, somewhere within the council, with knowledge of the circumstances, must have thought the location satisfactory with a better than evens chance that it would proceed?
John Clinton