Category Archives: flickr

Argus report

Falcons could be evicted from their Brighton home
By Ruth Lumley »

A peregrine falcon nest box could be removed from the tallest building in Sussex so maintenance work can take place.

But residents living in Sussex Heights, Brighton, are upset and claim they have never been consulted about the plans.

A petition has been set up to save the nesting box which was put onto the roof of the building by Graham Roberts from the Sussex Ornithological Society in 1998 to help protect the nests.

Sussex Heights has been home to a number of breeding pairs of urban peregrine falcons since the mid-1990s. There has only been one year when they have not nested on Sussex Heights.

Resident Allan Sayers said the board of directors from Sussex Heights Ltd claimed they had discussed the situation with the residents but he says no discussions have taken place.

The nest box, which has a webcam, allows an insight into the life of the peregrine falcons and how they bring up their young. Last year it was watched 125,000 times.

via The Argus
Petition at PetitionStop

Slightly different story in print: