Category Archives: conferences

Tory conference comes to Brighton (From The Argus)

The planning of policing for the event has been led by Chief Inspector Lawrence Hobbs, who insisted the force was working to ensure policing levels in the city and the rest of Sussex would not suffer.

Chief Insp Hobbs said: “We are well versed in policing such conferences and events and will work to ensure that security levels are proportionate and cause the minimum amount of disruption.

The level of physical security will be much more discreet, and cordons, barriers and road closures will not be necessary. The threat level to this event is constantly monitored and is deemed low.”

via Tory conference comes to Brighton (From The Argus).

Operation Otter Meeting

Sussex Police
Serving Sussex
15th February 2010
Dear Resident,
As I am sure you are aware the Conservative Party is holding its annual Spring Conference at the Hilton Metropole Hotel in Brighton on the 27h and 28th February 2010.
In light of this, we would like to invite you to the Metropole Hotel for a residents meeting at 7.30pm till 9.00pm on Monday 22nd February.
At the meeting there will be the opportunity for local residents to meet representatives from the police planning team, Metropole Hotel management and Brighton & Hove City Council. There will be a short presentation outlining the security arrangements associated with the event. The security measures differ from previous conferences and we do not expect them to severely impact upon local residents. The meeting will then move to a question and answer session where you will have opportunity speak to the organisations represented.
We look forward to seeing you.
Yours Faithfully

Inspector Gary Pike
Deputy Planning Co-ordinator Operation Otter
Conservative Party Spring Forum
Brighton Police Station· John Street· Brighton· BN2 OlA Telephone: 01273 665860 Fax: 01273665680
Operation OTTER
Conservative Party
Spring Forum 2010 police_meeting document in pdf format