Cycle parking continued

  1. All cycle parking approved will be installed by the end of this month thus meeting the council’s budgetary requirements for the current financial year. Where consulted residents are in favour of cycle parking.
  2. Regency Square stands differ from the norm in that they will be supported by flat pads bolted to the roof of the car park rather than penetrating deep into the structure.
  3. St. Margarets Place cycle parking will unlikely to go ahead in the proposed form. Reading a summary of the independent safety audit revealed concern about restricting the manoeuvrability of articulated trucks within the street and the impact this might have on safety. This plus a perceived lack of need are the main points for rejection.

Points raised against the audit are as follows:

  1. The proposed build-out would not compromise the use of rigid axled (up to max. axle weight) trucks using the street and the exhibition halls of the Metropole Hotel.
  2. The current practice of allowing articulated trucks to load and unload using fork lift trucks in the street represents a greater safety threat for residents and visitors than the proposed scheme (see picture).
  3. If nothing is done problems of the past will re-surface. On many occasions cycles have been locked to railings on the pavement side obstructing access by residents and visitors (particularly wheelchairs).
  4. From time to time the council have had to clear SMP of unwanted cycles parked in this fashion. Cycle parking is not just for now but for the future.
  5. Tracy will look at other locations beyond SMP for a solution.
  6. An alternative which would keep parking within SMP is a linear parking area. Pavements, on one or both sides of SMP could be widened on the road side of existing pavement steel barriers. An extension in width of say 300 mm would be sufficient as a platform for bikes chained to the road side of the barriers. The overall space for bikes would be greater than the build-out proposed and cheaper.
  7. The effect on the width of SMP would be minimal and encourage bike users to use the road side of the barriers avoiding clogging of the narrow pavements as at present.

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