News From Brighton » Search Results » peregrine

A petition has been launched to help stop a peregrine falcon nest box from being taken down from the tallest building in Sussex – the aptly named Sussex Heights in Brighton.

Sussex Heights has been home to a number of breeding pairs of peregrine falcons since the mid 1990s and a nest box was put there in 1998 and has been used yearly by the birds ever since.

At the time of writing 672 people have added their names to the petition, which was started one week ago in response to news that maintenance work could mean the removal of the nesting box.

The petition explains that the rare falcons are an important wildlife to have in Brighton for both educational and conservational reasons. It also warns that the falcons may be unsuccessful if they still attem

via News From Brighton » Search Results » peregrine.

7 thoughts on “News From Brighton » Search Results » peregrine

  1. Diane Page

    To whom it may concern:

    We would like to offer our support to the board of directors of Sussex Heights, and in particular Paul Michaelson, regarding the recent issue around the removal of the falcons nest from the roof of Sussex Heights. We believe that the board and Paul have considered the best interests of both the birds and the residents in this matter. My husband and I are both lovers of wildlife and birds and have loved having the falcons nest on the roof. However we understand that the need to perform maintenance on the outside of the building is of extreme importance to all leaseholders and tenants.

    We understand that it is believed that the falcons will easily find alternative nesting sites and in so doing will allow the works to be carried out without fear of injury to those involved. It is therefore our belief that removal of the nest is necessary and will not endanger the lives or reproductive cycle of the falcons.


    Diane and Ross Page (owners of 21D Sussex Heights)

  2. allan sayers

    Together with many others I think that the work can easily be carried out around the falcons. I would love to offer my support for the board but when I tried to discuss the matter with Mr Michaelson he was dismissive and extremely rude and told me he did not need to discuss this with anyone.

    He has yet to reply to a single e mail from me.

    Everyone involved with the birds feels that we can keep the birds on Sussex heights and fix our building. We have the will but sadly the board and PM does not have that will. Some of the reasons given for moving the birds are quite incredible and I am confident that a sensible solution of fixing the roof And keeping our falcons can be found. Thank you for starting this discussion

    allan sayers 23 B

  3. t osman

    i have had a look at the petition and make 2 points duplicate names and most people who have signed up DO NOT live in Sussex Heights.

  4. t osman

    further more i noticed the bias response to Diane Page her comments echo that of the vast majority who live and own flats in Sussex Heights.

  5. Richard

    How does t osman know that the vast majority of people that live in Sussex Heights agree with Diane wots her name and who bloody cares? With regards to the petition, I didn’t realise that you had to be a resident to sign it. Interesting that these ‘supporters’ don’t organise their own web site rather than carping on about this one.

  6. admin

    I’ve absolutely no idea, sorry Richard, your guess is as good as mine I think. As you say being a resident was never a prerequisite to signing that petition and quod erat demonstrandum with over 1000 signatures it clearly never even pretended to be such.

    It would be interesting to discover the opinions of the actual residents, but as you know democracy isn’t a priority around here so it would make little difference whatever the outcome even if such a poll was feasible, but it gives me an idea to introduce some polls here for fun!

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