
Sussex Heights in Brighton BN1 comprises 115 homes. Of these properties, 100 per cent are residential (i.e. there is no commercial property in Sussex Heights, brighton hotels, restaurants, etc. are outside the Sussex Heights area). The information on these homes provided below comes from data, third-party data and information about Sussex Heights submitted to us directly by the general public. Please take the time to explore the wealth of information that can be found throughout the Mouseprice website, including the free valuations on every property.

The most expensive recorded transaction in Sussex Heights to date is 22d which sold for £320,000 on 25/06/2007. The property sale that has the lowest recorded price in Sussex Heights to date is 5c which sold for £85,000 on 01/03/2000. The most recent house purchase in Sussex Heights was 17e which sold for £249,950 on 11/05/2009. For more detailed information on house price related trends, stats and graphs visit the Brighton area guide on the website.

Of the 115 homes on Sussex Heights, 66 are flats (including apartments and maisonettes). Two of these properties were built 49 years ago in 1960. Sussex Heights has an average current value of £216,800. This price is derived from the free automated valuation estimates provided on the Mouseprice website. These automated valuations are known in the mortgage lending industry as AVMs. There is reasonable AVM coverage for Brighton. The property valuation estimates are supported by the 72 transactions in Sussex Heights that have been recorded by HM Land Registry since the 1st of April 2000. Sussex Heights is one of the least expensive places to live in BN1 Brighton, where the average property price is £256,356.

There are currently no properties for sale in Sussex Heights that are listed on but there are many properties for sale in Brighton. Their asking prices range from £86,000 to £3,000,000 with an average asking price of £383,993. One of the properties that have come on to the market in Brighton most recently was listed as for sale on 22/06/2009 with an asking price of £189,000. There are some properties in Brighton which have had their asking prices reduced. For example on North Road, BN1 a property with an original asking price of £339,950 has just been reduced to £268,000. All discounted properties for sale in Brighton can be found on the website.

There are 86 property flirts in Brighton, one of which is in Sussex Heights (this is a property where the owner has set the price at which he or she would consider selling their home).

There are currently no properties for rent in Sussex Heights or in Brighton that are listed on However, there are many other properties for rent around the Brighton area, which can be viewed on the website.

Living on Sussex Heights is ideal for people with young children who attend St Mary Magdalen Catholic Primary School as it is minutes away on Spring Street. For people who need to visit a bank fairly often, living on Sussex Heights is also very convenient, as Natwest bank is located a short walk away on Churchill Square. As well as this, local residents of Sussex Heights can enjoy the latest releases at the Odeon Cinema, which is a stone’s throw away on West Street. Another advantage is that shopping is made very easy for residents of Sussex Heights, as there are a variety of shops very close by on Churchill Square including WH Smith. Sussex Heights also has the convenience of a dental surgery close by on Marlborough Mews. This is a very handy addition to the neighbourhood, so long as you manage to get on the patient list! However, the biggest advantage is that residents can just nip around the corner to do their food shopping, as there is a Sainsbury’s supermarket a short walk away on Western Road.

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