“Theres Worse Names Than Ours”: An Interview With Shrag

Stephanie Goodman: Bob used to live in [Brighton landmark] Sussex Heights. He had an amazing penthouse flat at the top.

RW: With his own peregrine falcons.

SG: Everybody was hanging out and ‘cos he had the nicest flat in town, hed have these parties. Thats where the name comes from – it was Sussex Heights Roving Artists Group and then we decided to change it to Sussex Heights Recording Artists Group.

RW: That classic case of the band not really thinking theyd do more than a couple of gigs. We formed for a laugh with a stupid name and then a few years later you get stuck trying to explain it to your mum at dinner parties.

SG: “Shag? Youre called Shag? Shrek?” Google ‘Shrag and nothing else comes up.

SG: Theres worse names than ours. I saw some of them in New York.

via The Quietus | Features | Escape Velocity | “Theres Worse Names Than Ours”: An Interview With Shrag.

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